Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Even God Says Fucking!

i find your fingertips, in my life everywhere
i see your designs, all over and anywhere
gave me brain, but didnt tell me how to apply
what the fuck god! tell me why ,tell me WHY??

you with your brain, as if you know how to use
seeing all you have in store, i have to curse nd abuse
you smile ur cocky smile, far away up in heaven
when will i have a car, fuck tell me WHEN??

you clear your throat, i can almost hear you say
you keep crying son, like a donkey's bray
you are a stupid fool,i should hit you with a shoe
who told u to work in IT, tell fucking WHO??

Sunday, June 5, 2011

In front of Your Hundred Lies

We are all victims of one kind
Still we stand guilty in some eyes
A heavy heart and a tired mind
Stands here, in front of your hundred lies.

Time after time i chose to fight
Even though u didnt care that i was sad
Black hatred you had,absorbed all light
You revealed my true self, or you thought you had.

I tried it all to tell you you were wrong
You never wanted to listen, you stood your ground
That is when I knew we could never belong
And that is when I decided to not stay around.

If so, why do i still feel your hunger for me
Why do i convince myself there is something more
If i consume, let me and my addiction be
Just a little bit more of you, just a little bit more.

If you choose to run , then i know you must
Before you turn,listen, even if it is just to humor me
I will ask this only once, you have to trust
How can i remove all we had, disillusions that i still see.

Is it me who has to learn to leave you
Or is it you, who was always better prepared
I did not get what was never my due
So you told me, you finally told me you never cared.